Spam Score Checker

What is Spam Score?

The spam score is a metric developed by Moz to determine the likelihood of a website being perceived as spammy. It ranges from 0 to 17, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of the site being spam. This score is derived from a combination of factors, including domain-level metrics, page-level metrics, and content-related attributes. Understanding the spam score is essential for webmasters and SEO professionals as it provides insights into potential issues that might affect the website's credibility and ranking.

The methodology behind calculating the spam score involves analyzing various red flags that are commonly associated with spamming websites. These red flags can include factors such as the ratio of followed to nofollowed links, the length of the domain's registration period, and the presence of potentially misleading content. Each factor is weighted differently, contributing to the overall spam rating. By identifying these factors, Moz helps website owners pinpoint specific areas that may need improvement to enhance their website trust score.

It is important to note that a high spam score does not definitively mean a website is spam. Instead, it serves as a warning that certain elements of the site might resemble those found in spamming websites. For instance, newer domains or those with a sudden influx of links might receive a higher spam rating due to patterns commonly observed in spamming activities. Therefore, webmasters should use the spam score as a diagnostic tool to refine their SEO strategies and ensure their site aligns with best practices.

Strategies to Improve Spam Score

Improving your website’s spam score begins with conducting a thorough audit to identify and rectify any issues. Start by evaluating your backlink profile to ensure that your links are coming from reputable, high-authority sites. Use tools like Moz, Ahrefs, or Google Search Console to disavow any toxic or low-quality backlinks. Building a natural link profile with links from relevant and authoritative sources is key to lowering your spam rating.

Content quality is another critical area to focus on. Ensure that your website content is original, valuable, and relevant to your audience. Avoid practices like keyword stuffing, which can be perceived as manipulative. Instead, focus on providing in-depth, well-researched content that meets the needs of your users. Regularly updating your content to keep it fresh and relevant can also contribute to a lower spam score.

Technical SEO factors, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and secure connections (HTTPS), also play a role in your spam score. Ensure that your website provides a smooth and secure user experience. Optimize your site for speed, improve mobile usability, and implement SSL certificates to enhance security. Addressing these technical aspects not only helps reduce the spam score but also improves overall user satisfaction and search engine rankings.

Importance of Regular Spam Score Checks

Regularly checking your website’s spam score is essential for maintaining its health and performance. Frequent spam score assessments help identify potential issues early, allowing webmasters to take corrective actions before they escalate. This proactive approach can prevent penalties from search engines and ensure the website remains compliant with SEO best practices.

Regular spam score checks also contribute to ongoing SEO optimization. By continuously monitoring and managing the spam score, webmasters can ensure their SEO strategies remain effective and up-to-date. This continuous optimization is crucial for staying ahead of competitors and maintaining a strong online presence.

Moreover, consistent spam score monitoring fosters trust and credibility among users. A website with a low spam score is perceived as more reliable and trustworthy, which can enhance user engagement and conversion rates. Regular checks demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a high-quality, trustworthy online presence, reinforcing user confidence in the website.

  • Early Issue Identification: Frequent checks help identify potential spam issues early, allowing webmasters to take preventive measures.

  • SEO Optimization: Continuous monitoring ensures that SEO strategies remain effective and up-to-date, maintaining strong online presence.

  • User Trust and Credibility: Regular spam score checks enhance user trust and credibility, improving engagement and conversion rates.

  • Search Engine Compliance: Ensures the website remains compliant with search engine guidelines, preventing penalties and deindexing.

  • Proactive Management: Demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a high-quality, trustworthy website, reinforcing user confidence.

  • Key Features of Spam Score Checkers

    Spam score checkers come equipped with a variety of features that aid in comprehensive website analysis. One of the primary features is the detailed backlink analysis, which examines the quality and relevance of inbound links. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites can significantly improve the website trust score, while links from low-quality or irrelevant sources can increase the spam rating.

    Another critical feature is content evaluation. Spam score checkers assess the originality, relevance, and value of the website's content. Websites with thin, duplicate, or keyword-stuffed content are more likely to be flagged as spammy. By analyzing content quality, these tools help webmasters create and maintain high-quality, valuable content that adheres to SEO best practices.

    Technical SEO factors are also a significant component of spam score checkers. These tools analyze elements such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and security (HTTPS). Websites that provide a poor user experience due to technical issues are more likely to receive a higher spam score. By identifying and rectifying these technical issues, webmasters can improve their site's overall performance and reduce its spam rating.

    How to use this free spam score checker?

    You can check website spam score by following the below-mentioned steps.

    Checking Your Website's Spam Score: Free Tools and Tips for Reducing Moz Spam Score

    Moz Spam Score gives an idea of a site being banned/penalized by search engines. Spam score is for pages and sub domains only. It is not available for the root domains. Spam score is calculated based on the quantity of spam flags, a sub-domain triggers. Flags are created based on the potential factors that a site might be penalized by Google.

    Spam score is very useful for checking the spammy links to a site. Getting a backlink from a spammy site makes our site vulnerable to penalty. So it is very important to check the spam score of a domain before getting a link from it.

    Spam score cannot find every potentially bad link. It can guide us to find harmful sites. So we should manually check the sites and other parameters before taking any decision. Spam score is very useful while we are doing link cleaning or adding disavow files.

    Spam score value ranges from 0 to 17. Spam score zero means the probability of spam is 0.5% while spam score 14 and above means the probability of spam is 100%. For a site with spam score zero to four, danger level is low. Spam score five to seven means the danger level is medium and spam score above seven means danger level is high.

    Check Your Domain’s Spam Score

    Domain email reputation is a factor that influences whether your emails get delivered to subscribers’ inboxes. It is determined by the frequency with which your email content is reported as spam by recipients and mailbox providers. It is also influenced by engagement metrics such as open and click rates, which indicate how interested subscribers are in your email messages. The best way to ensure that your domain is not being abused by spammers is to sign up for the FeedBack Loop (FBL). This tool allows you to report specific instances of spamming. You can also register for Barracuda Reputation Lookup, a free service that maintains a database of IP addresses and domains that are associated with spam. You can use the service to determine your domain’s reputation score by entering an IP address or a domain name and running it through the tool. Mailbox providers evaluate the reputation of your sending domain on a scale of 0 to 100, and it is one of the main factors that influence their decisions to deliver your emails to the inbox.

    It is important to note that this score is not related to the history of your domain, but rather to the content it has opened in the past. Many things can contribute to a high domain email reputation, including poor engagement, low sender authentication rates, and the use of unreliable mailing lists. Another major contributor to a domain’s reputation is the type of TLD used. Choosing a short and easy to pronounce domain can help improve your email deliverability, as well as your brand recognition. Avoid using numbers or hyphens in your domain name, as these can be difficult to pronounce and may result in misspellings. It is also important to remember that all of the technical email deliverability best practices in the world won’t help if your message isn’t valuable to your subscribers. Sending useful emails to your subscribers will keep your domain’s spam score low, and you can encourage your readers to engage with your messages by making them relevant to their interests.


    If you want to rank higher on search engines, your website needs quality backlinks. These links must be from high-quality, authority pages. You also want to avoid links from spammy websites. Using an online spam score checker can help you identify these types of links and remove them from your website. This will prevent you from losing visibility and attracting Google penalties. It will also protect your reputation and make it easier to collaborate with other websites in the future.

    The Spam Score is a rating system released by Moz that predicts the likelihood of a site being considered spammy by Google. The score is based on 17 spam “flags,” and the more flags a site has, the more likely it is to be penalized. While it’s rare for sites to have all 17 flags, it’s important to look at each one in detail.

    A good website spam score checker will highlight any red and yellow flags, as well as spam signals. It will also show you the number of exact-match anchor texts (links that contain a keyword that matches the search term being targeted). It’ll tell you which of your backlinks have been marked as potentially spammy and may need to be removed or disavowed. You can use this information to improve your SEO strategy and ensure that your website is free from toxic links.

    Amateurs often presume that more backlinks is better, but the quality of your backlinks is more important than quantity. You should only keep backlinks from high-quality, authoritative websites and avoid spammy ones. If you find any that are toxic, you should remove them as soon as possible.

    In addition to the Spam Score, you should pay attention to other factors, such as the number of external links, the page’s top-level domain location, and MozRank and MozTrust scores. The MozTrust score indicates the trustworthiness of the domain, while the MozRank indicator measures the popularity of the website. Another factor that you should look for is the ratio of followed to no-follow links on the page. Ideally, there should be a balance of both, but if you have a lot of no-follow links, it can cause a penalty from Google. This can be corrected by changing your linking strategy and creating unique, descriptive page copy.

    On-page optimization

    A website spam score checker is a tool that helps you determine the level of spammy behavior on your site. It can also be used to identify any problems caused by spam links. It can help you avoid being penalized by Google, which can lead to a significant decrease in your search engine rankings and traffic. This can also affect your bottom line. It is important to use this tool on a regular basis to ensure that your website does not have any issues that can cause a search engine penalty. Spam scores are calculated based on the number of spam flags associated with your subdomain. They are added together to create a final spam score, which ranges from 0 to 17. Generally speaking, the lower the score, the less spammy your website is. However, it is important to note that this score is based on correlation and does not provide any guarantees. One of the most important factors in determining a website’s spam score is the quality of its content. The best way to reduce your spam score is to focus on creating high-quality content that aligns with user intent. This will minimize the risk of spam signals and improve your site’s overall SEO performance.

    Another important factor in lowering a website’s spam score is the quantity and quality of its backlinks. A good way to improve your spam score is to run a backlink audit with SEMrush and disavow toxic links. Another important tip is to regularly monitor your Google Search Console account for manual actions and spam-related notifications. This will allow you to take action before your website gets a manual penalty from Google. The spam score of a website is a critical factor in its SEO success. A website with a low spam score is likely to rank higher in search engines, which can increase its traffic and revenue. A high spam score, on the other hand, can lead to a significant loss in ranking, which can be detrimental to your business. A high spam score can also cause other websites to link to yours, which may damage their reputation.

    Use a Spam Checker

    Email spam refers to unsolicited promotional emails sent in bulk or individually for commercial purposes. These messages may contain phishing links, business newsletters you never subscribed to, or companies trying to sell you something. Email service providers and mailboxes filter spam messages to prevent them from reaching recipients’ inboxes. This helps keep spammers from annoying their subscribers and wasting everyone’s time. Spam filters analyze your content for keywords or phrases that can trigger them to flag your email as spam, and they examine the overall structure of your message. If a spam checker finds suspicious elements, it will raise your risk level and possibly prevent your email from getting delivered to the inbox.

    In addition, you should make sure to use a spam checker that monitors your IP and domain reputation to prevent it from being blacklisted by ISPs and mailbox providers. A good spam checker will notify you if your domain or IP address gets added to any blacklist databases, which can have devastating effects on your email deliverability.


    If you want your website to rank well in search engine results pages, then it is important to have high-quality content. However, not all web pages are created equal, and if you have too many low-quality pages, you might find your website is flagged as spammy by the search engines. Fortunately, there are several free tools that can help you check for and eliminate spammy content on your site. This free tool is an extension of Moz’s Open Site Explorer, and it allows you to analyze any page or subdomain on your site. You can also specify a URL to analyze, and the tool will provide you with a list of all pages or subdomains that link to that page. It will also report the spam score of each page or subdomain.

    Spam scores are based on the number of negative indicators that are associated with each page or subdomain. However, it is important to remember that the score only applies to a specific subdomain and does not necessarily reflect the overall trustworthiness of the site. In order to keep your website’s spam score low, you should ensure that all pages contain legitimate contact information and are linked to your social media channels. This will prevent your website from being flagged by search engines as a potential spam site. Additionally, you should use caution when linking to other websites and limit the number of outbound links on each page.

    Use a Spam Blocker

    Spam filtering is an essential tool for keeping your email server clean. It prevents more than 99.9 percent of junk messages from entering your users’ primary inboxes, saving them countless hours of wasted productivity. In fact, studies show that each user spends an average of 100 hours per year cleaning out their spam folder, so a robust spam filter can quickly pay for itself in reclaimed time and lowered frustration levels. A good spam blocker uses a combination of rules, pattern matching, and sender reputation to accurately identify spam messages and keep them away from your email server. They also offer advanced features like intuitive filtering, user behavior monitoring, and compatibility with business software suites. They can also help you protect your domain from cyber attacks.

    You can improve your deliverability by setting up SPF records, DKIM policies, and DMARC reports. This ensures that the sender’s email is authenticated, reduces spoofing, and prevents in-transit modification of sent emails. Using a reputable spam blocker is essential to protect your cPanel reseller hosting customers from the risk of phishing and other types of cyberattacks that could lead to sensitive data theft. The most common phishing techniques involve spoofed emails that mimic legitimate websites such as banks, PayPal login pages, or large ecommerce sites. The attackers then trick unsuspecting victims into entering their personal information in order to steal their data.


    CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used on websites to determine whether a human or a bot is visiting. It typically consists of a series of words or numbers that the user must correctly enter in order to submit a form. The goal is to make the task difficult for bots but easy for humans, while ensuring that the website can still be accessed by real people.

    Add a Sitemap

    Sitemaps are a great way to ensure that all pages of your website are crawled and indexed by search engines. They are your "direct line" for telling Google what is important on your site. They can be in a variety of formats but the most common is XML (Extensible Markup Language). There are many tools that can help you create a sitemap. You can also manually code one if you have the time and resources. When creating a sitemap, it is important to keep in mind that only URLs you want indexed should be included. You should also avoid submitting duplicate content to Google, as this can be very harmful. If you have a large website, it may be a good idea to break the sitemap up into multiple files and then submit them separately.


    Understanding and utilizing a spam score checker is essential for maintaining the health and credibility of your website. The spam score, developed by Moz, is a metric that evaluates the likelihood of a website being perceived as spammy based on various domain-level, page-level, and content-related factors. By identifying red flags such as the ratio of followed to nofollowed links, domain registration period, and misleading content, the spam score provides valuable insights that help webmasters improve their website trust score.

    Regular spam score checks are crucial for early issue identification, ensuring SEO optimization, and maintaining user trust and credibility. Frequent assessments allow webmasters to take proactive measures to prevent potential penalties from search engines. This ongoing vigilance is key to staying compliant with SEO best practices and maintaining a strong online presence.

    Improving your spam score involves a multifaceted approach, including auditing your backlink profile, enhancing content quality, and addressing technical SEO factors such as site speed and security. Ethical SEO practices and regular updates to your website's content are also vital strategies for lowering your spam score. By integrating these practices into your routine SEO activities, you can safeguard your website from being flagged as spammy and enhance its overall performance.

    In conclusion, a spam score checker is an indispensable tool for webmasters aiming to uphold a reputable online presence. By understanding the components of the spam score, regularly monitoring it, and implementing strategic improvements, you can maintain a low spam rating and foster a trustworthy and engaging website environment. This proactive approach not only protects your site from potential penalties but also promotes long-term success in the digital landscape.